About us

In the beginning it was a vision and a dream..

The step into self-employment followed in April 2010, initially in small steps - then "completely" from the end of 2011.

The goal: to create a place where anyone who wants to further their education can come.

Whether as an individual or as a company - whether "soft skill", Office or Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (formerly NAV) - you will find a place for yourself here!

Many years of experience in the project and support sector and as a trainer in various areas give me the opportunity to provide you with the necessary tools for your day-to-day work and beyond.

Our team has now expanded and continues to grow. Today, in addition to workshops/seminars, consulting, support and documentation, we can also offer development support and take on or start projects with you.

The motto: Achieving goals TOGETHER!

Sonja Klimke - CEO, Trainer, Consultant, Support, Author

I have been working in the NAV and now Business Central environment for over 25 years.
I offer you the following services:

Practical and user-related workshops on NAV and Business Central
Support for users in dealing with NAV or Business Central
German-language documentation on NAV and Business Central
Project support/support for new projects as well as conversions from NAV and Business Central
Consultancy on NAV and Business Central
Social commitment: I support children and young people - for example with workshops on the topic of "cyberbullying"...

Steffen Brinkmann - CIO, Senior Developer, Consultant

With over 15 years of experience with NAV and Business Central, I offer you...

Consulting on development-specific topics and also support you with content-related topics relating to Business Central.
In addition, I will train you and your team in C/AL and AL as well as the PowerPlatform.

Dennis de Leeuw - Senior Developer

I have been working as a developer in the NAV and now Business Central environment for over 7 years and have been a Senior Developer at SPOTS-BSS since 1 May 2024.

Hier unterstütze ich in den verschiedensten Projekten in der Entwicklung und bin ein aktiver "Part" bei der Unterstützung zu den Themen "PowerApp" und "Flows". Gerne stehe ich bei Bedarf auch vor Ort zur Verfügung, wenn Sie Hilfe rund um Entwicklungsfragen haben.

Anil Yildirim - Sales Representative

Anil Yildirim is responsible for the sales area in our team. He is your contact for enquiries about possible workshops/seminars. He also supports you with topics such as "Licence for Business Central" as well as other licensing questions about Microsoft products. He also accompanies and supports our team with questions about APP and the Microsoft Store.

Our external experts for you...

Jans J. Boelmans

For 25 years, Jans Boelmans Consulting has stood for competent service in all aspects of the ERP business solution Microsoft Dynamics(TM) NAV/Business Central. Our service portfolio includes the areas of "Financial Accounting", "Asset Accounting", "Cost Accounting", "Stock Valuation", the "Continia OP-Plus Comfort Modules" and the "Sievers SNC DATEV Interface". As a Microsoft(R) partner, we provide you with complete support from analysis, set-up and training through to implementation. We offer 30 years of implementation and project experience. During this time, we have been able to think outside the box and are familiar with interdisciplinary issues. This also applies to automatic stock valuation according to GKV and UKV. By using this technology, your stock accounts show the correct stock values at all times.


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